Cannabis is such a formidable plant and an incredible source of benefits for the human being that a single website would not suffice to tell the whole story. That is why ExaCan™ is entirely dedicated to it. Entirely.

Cannabis – also known as hemp and marijuana – has been used throughout the history of agriculture, as a source of intoxicants, drugs and fiber. The earliest known descriptions of marijuana are found in ancient writings and folklore of India and China, where historians believe it was first used as a ritual intoxication. According to Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nung (around 2700 BC, also known as Chen Nung) is said to have discovered the healing properties of cannabis as well as those of two other pillars of Chinese herbal medicine, ginseng and ephedra. In India, cannabis has been associated with magic and religion – as well as healing – for thousands of years. Muslims also invented paper-making techniques from hemp fibers, an introduced process in Europe in the 12th century.

Marijuana As Medicine?: The Science Beyond the Controversy. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press; 2000. doi:10.17226/9586

Some see in cannabis a beautiful work of art, full of vibrant colors and shapes. Some others see a complexe entanglement of textures and scents. Some people just feel comforted.

What do you see?

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We see a bright future and a useful companion.