Organic cannabis

One of the less known facets of Switzerland is its tolerance towards cannabis. For many years, the medical use of cannabis and cannabis extracts is acknowledged and allowed. An increasing number of people are prescribed cannabis extracts for large spectrum of conditions. Beside this, cannabis with up to 1% w/w is legal for recreational use. This unique specificity among countries on the Europe continent, makes Switzerland a place of choice for legally growing a wider variety of cultivars, with subsequently more cannabinoids in them. More room for cannabinoids also means more complexe combinations of phytomolecules for wider range of applications.

One other facet is its long history of agriculture and the deeply rooted will to not only cultivate high quality products but also in a durable way. The main assets of Swiss farming families are their great fondness to efficient and sustainable production methods, from sowing to harvesting. The agricultural area in Switzerland is quite limited and at a cost, but the search for excellence is limitless.

Bio Suisse Certification

Bio Suisse is one of the strictest organic certifications in the world. Its Bio Bud label guarantees the best quality for the customer: high requirements concerning biodiversity, globality, breeding respectful of species, protection of resources, taste, trust and fairness.

Bio Bud. People, animals and nature in balance

“Bio Suisse, a private-sector organization, is the federation of Swiss organic farmers, with 7’300 members. More than 1050 processing and trade companies have a licence contract with Bio Suisse to use the Bio Bud label.
Thanks to a joint effort by all producers and partners, Bio Suisse helps to bring people, animals and nature again in balance.”

Organic production meeting standards are much stricter than the Swiss legal requirements and among the most respected certifications in the world. The Bio Suisse label is a pledge of confidence. For us, and for you.

Bio Suisse helps producers preserve soils for future generations

  • 100% organic production
  • Protection of soil, water, air and climate
  • Ban on GMOs
  • Transparency and independent annual controls
  • Regular training and efficiency checks
  • Fair work and trade relations
  • Concrete measures for the protection of ecosystems and species diversity

In the heart of Europe, Switzerland stands out by its culture of precision, stringent organic standards, and tolerance towards cannabis. This is the place we selected to manufacture the best products.

Planted – Grown – Harvested – Processed in Switzerland.

ExaCan™ – Simply Swiss Quality.